Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pedicures for the herd!

Great day yesterday, my farrier, Gordie was here and put in time on the horses hooves. Jewel and Rose now have shoes, so no more worries about riding on the gravel roads. The rest of the herd all received a trim, being the stallion of the barn,Duc was first! Of course he was awesome. Gordie does a fantastic job and is so good with all of them. Shim who does not have the best front hooves, bad cracks right up the front, he thinks he can get them fixed up for her.
On the weekend the horses all had a turn getting their West Nile vaccine shots. We are now prepared for mosquito season and I fear it could be a bad one. There is a ton of water laying around, perfect breeding grounds for the little buggers. So far they haven't been too bad,due to the fact the wind has been blowing gale force lately!
Going riding today and use those new shoes!

Monday, May 9, 2011

We're back!!

Oh my goodness, after some glitches, we are back on track and website is available to view once again. Yay! So sorry for being off line for over a week.

So much has being going on with the horses. Shim and Duc have had their first courtship already, if she didn't catch her first cycle she should be seeing him again this week.
Xade is now a gelding and has a much better attitude already.He is such a stunner, and has amazing prescence for a young horse.
The horses have been dewormed,the farrier comes on the 16th for trims for everyone and shoes for Rose and Jewel.
The Mane Event horse expo has come and gone for another year. The Canadian Horse was well represented(including Rose and myself) and we preformed a very nice Drill Team presentation.
This coming weekend I am off to Wainwright with Jewel to a driving clinic. Hopefully we have great success!