Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun and Sucess at our first Jumper Show!

Jewel in the 3' class

Last Sunday I went to compete in our first ever Jumper Show, with Rose in the 2' Division and Jewel in the 3' and 3'3" Divisions. With Chelsey along as my loyal groom and cheering section, we enjoyed a wonderful day.

Rose after her class

In each division there are 2 seperate classes, Rose did wonderful and jumped scary looking stadium jumps with no hesitation. That in itself I thought was very good for our first time out, plus she picked up a third place in the Power and Speed class.

Jewel had a bit more of a look at the jumps , but once she got going she did quite well. We jumped our first ever triple combination, clear every time thru! They were some of the biggest jumps we have ever jumped, one oxer in particular, was giving us grief. But in our 3'3" Power and Speed class Jewel prevailed and we cleared them all giving us a win! I am utterly thrilled with my mares and their performances. Can't wait for the next show!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fun Times at Eventing Clinic

Just home from a 3 day eventing clinic with my 5 yr.old mare Rose. She was very impressive, for being very green to jumping, she did exceptionally well. Over a 2 day clinic, she is now stadium jumping 2'6 verticals and oxers. And for her very first time even seeing cross country obstacles, she is in and out of the water hazard at a trot , jumping up the bank out of the water, jumping ditches without hesitation, coops that were 2'6" to 2'8" and logs. She was INCREDIBLE and thoroughly impressed me along with some non believers. My cross country instructor who has said she has never been much impressed with Canadians has said after seeing Rose she will have to revise her opinion of Canadians. Thats what we need to do, prove our breed can do all of these things and do them well. I am looking forward to taking Rose next year and going to some eventing competitions. We have a year to train! In the meantime, August is a busy month. Charity trail ride coming up next weekend, jumping show the following weekend and an open show the weekend after that. Going to keep us busy.
Happy Trails...and don't forget the bug spray!